Castel of San Angelo

From imperial mausoleum to papal residence

An itinerary that reflects the history of Rome from its origins in imperial times to the present day. We pass through the rooms on the first level corresponding to Hadrian’s Mausoleum, which the emperor had built in 123 AD, inspired by the model of the Mausoleum of Augustus, and which housed his remains, those of his wife and those of subsequent emperors up to Caracalla.

We will go along the outer walkway to catch a glimpse of the fortified bastions of the Castle, which in the Middle Ages was incorporated into the Aurelian Walls and became a fortress coveted by the most important families of the Roman nobility.

We continue to the flats that became the residence of the Pontiffs in the Renaissance and admire the rooms decorated with elegant late Mannerist frescoes by Perin del Vaga.

The Terrace of the Angel

We will pass through the Library, the Treasure Room and the Festoon Room, the prison that hosted illustrious guests, until we reach the terrace dominated by the 18th century statue of the Angel by Peter Anton von Verschaffelt, where we will discover the origins of the name and enjoy a breathtaking view of the Eternal City.

Don’t Forget

It is possible to do the tour every day with prior reservation and comfortable clothing is recommended.

  • Qualified guide
  • Full assistance
  • Personalised tour
  • Advance ticket: full price 13 euros
  • Advance ticket: reduced price 3 euros (18-25 years)
  • Advance ticket: 1 euro minors


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